Profitable Hospitality Kenya® has been serving clients in the Hotel and Tourism arena for more than 15 years.  We have extensive experience in hotel start up ,operations and pre-opening. Hotel financing is backbone of our services and we provide this as a relief to existing hotels, new hotel start up as well as hotels that are stuck and unable to reopen after covid 19 Pandemic.

In addition to hotel financing, we are also able to perform Hotel Acquisition and sales brokerage services from beginning to end, soup to nuts.

Our Hotel financing can take a number of different forms. It depends on which option you want to pursue and we will sort you our for any of the below:

Purchase FF&E

Renovate a hotel building

Build a new hotel

Operating Capital

Hotel management software purchase

Without professional help, hotel financing and hotel Construction Loans can be a complex and daunting task. Profitable Hospitality Kenya Ltd® serves as a powerful ally to its clients.

You can access lending from Ks. 10,000,000 to Ks. 100,000,000


In order to proceed with the phase timeously and to ensure that your application is thoroughly evaluated, please have the below documents ready:


  • 3 years projected financials (2023,2024,2025) together with the assumptions
  • Certificate of incorporation for the company
  • Company memorandum and article of association. We will also need a snip of the MOI from the company’s e-citizen portal
  • Proof of directors and shareholding for company (CR12) (Not older than 3 months)
  • Application details: Find attached a word document to fill in Company and each shareholders/directors’ phone number, postal address and email addresses. Details of surety also required -in case of third party security
  • KRA PIN of company
  • Lease agreements/ copy of title.
  • The franchise license/ approval/ contract
  • Copy of latest Company’s annual return
  • Copies of all Licenses and applicable approvals(Unexpired).

Directors/Shareholders/ Key management staff​

  • The physical address for each director/shareholder. (Indicate: House No/Plot No/ Apartment, Street Name, Town, Country)
  • Copy of ID and KRA Pin for each director/shareholder plus digital passport size photo for each.
  • Proof of marital status – Marriage certificates/ Affidavits for each director/shareholder
  • Spouse ID (If spouse not a director/shareholder)
  • Balance sheet of each director/shareholder. (Find attached a sample of an individual net worth statement)
  • Simple Curriculum Vitae of each director/shareholder
  • Cv for key management staff


  • Title Deed of property given as security
  • Copy of ID and KRA Pin of owner of security (if third party security).
  • The physical address owner of security(if third party security). (Indicate: House No/Plot No/ Apartment, Street Name, Town, Country)
  • Valuation report for the security – list of approved valuers in our panel attached.


Repayments are aligned with each client’s income.

Facilities that we offer also need not be 100% secured.

We offer 100% financing for a clients need (this includes professional fees- lawyers).

We offer moratoriums to enable the entrepreneur to experience improved cashflows before repayment can begin.

We offer Technical Assistance of up to 30% of the investment amount. It is coupled with the main facility & it’s interest free.